Gorilla life expectancy: how long do gorillas live?

Gorilla lifespan: How long will a gorilla live?

How long will a gorilla live
How long will a gorilla live

The gorilla is one of the most magnificent creatures on earth. It is an amazing creature that captivates humans with its beauty and immense strength. Considered the largest and most powerful of the great apes, the gorilla is one of the closest animals to humans in terms of genetic similarity. In this article, we will explore the world of gorillas and learn about their unique characteristics, their important role in the ecosystem, and their significance in culture and history.

You can also learn about the African elephant in our article titled Top 5 Fascinating Facts About the African Elephant.

1. What is a gorilla?

The gorilla is a species of large ape belonging to the Hominidae family. These creatures live in tropical rainforest areas of Africa and are characterized by their strong bodies and massive stature. They feed primarily on plants and fruits and live in close-knit social groups.

2. how strong is a gorilla?

It is difficult to measure the exact strength of a gorilla, but estimates range from about 4 to 10 times stronger than an average human. The strength of a silverback gorilla is certainly immense. All gorillas can topple banana trees with little effort and escape from cages by bending iron bars. They have a bite force of about 1,300 pounds per square inch, which is twice the bite force of a lion.

However, gorillas tend to be gentle giants and rarely display their full strength, except in conflicts between silverbacks. They are also built quite differently from humans, making them more efficient climbers and better adapted to walking on all fours. This means that measuring their strength by human standards is meaningless, as their different balance and body structure would prevent them from performing certain movements that we take for granted.

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3. silverback gorilla weight

Gorillas are the largest primates in the world, with males weighing about 143-169 kg and standing about 1.4-1.8 m tall in the wild. Females are typically 20 to 30 cm shorter and weigh about half as much as males. A male gorilla's arm span is enormous, ranging from 2.3 to 2.6 meters, while female gorilla arms are relatively smaller.

The largest gorilla on record weighed 267 kilograms when it was shot in Cameroon, but it was not as large as another silverback gorilla shot in the Congo in 1938, which stood 1.95 meters tall, had a chest measurement of 1.98 meters, an arm length of 2.7 meters, and weighed 219 kilograms. In captivity, gorillas can reach even greater weights, sometimes exceeding 310 kg.

4.  how long do gorillas live

In the wild, gorillas typically live around 35-40 years, but in captivity they often live longer, sometimes exceeding 50 years. The oldest recorded gorilla was a female western gorilla at the Columbus Zoo, who reached the age of 60 before dying in 2017.

5. How intelligent are gorillas?

Gorillas are highly intelligent. Although they do not use tools as frequently as chimpanzees, wild gorillas have been observed using sticks to measure water depth, bamboo as a ladder to help juveniles climb, and, more recently, sticks to eat ants without being bitten - an indication of their problem-solving skills.

Gorillas also have impressive communication skills. They are known to produce about 25 different vocalizations. One notable example is Koko, a gorilla born into the famous Koko family, who learned sign language over the years. By the age of forty, Koko had a vocabulary of about 1,000 signs and could understand about 2,000 English words.

6. What do gorillas eat?

Gorillas are primarily herbivores, and their diet consists mainly of bamboo, fruits, and leafy plants. Western lowland gorillas also eat small insects. An adult gorilla can eat up to 30 kg of food per day. Gorillas play an important role in seed dispersal as they roam their habitats.

What do gorillas eat?
what do gorillas eat

Many large fruit trees depend on these animals for their survival. Research published in early 2016 revealed that gorillas make vocalizations as they eat their favorite foods. Simon Behrens of the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, who led the study, explained that gorillas seem to be surprised and pleased when they encounter a food they really enjoy. This behavior is very similar to how humans' express pleasure through vocalizations when eating delicious food.

7. Are gorillas endangered?

  • Gorillas, being peaceful and shy animals, are primarily threatened by humans. They are still hunted for their meat and often fall victim to traps set for other animals.

  • Traditionally, newborn gorilla family members were killed and used for display in zoos because the remaining family members would fiercely defend them.

  • The human population explosion is currently one of the greatest threats to gorilla survival. As humans gradually take over the remaining land for agriculture, development and construction, gorillas are left with fewer places to go.

  • Several organizations are working diligently to protect gorillas, including the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, the African Wildlife Foundation, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

  • African conservationists are working to change people's attitudes toward gorillas and to ensure their protection by securing habitat to ensure their continued survival.

8. Frequently Asked Questions

Do gorillas live outside of Africa?

No, they are found only in the tropical rainforests of Africa.

Can gorillas communicate?

Yes, they use sign language and physical gestures to communicate with each other.

Are gorillas dangerous to humans?

Gorillas are generally friendly but can become aggressive if they feel threatened. It is advisable to keep a safe distance from them in the wild.

What is the impact of gorillas on the environment?

Gorillas play a crucial role in seed dispersal and maintaining ecological balance in the forest.

learn more about gorillas
